
Monday, July 4, 2011

Photos Into Art!

Photos. We take them everywhere, all the time.  At the beach on vacation... the kindergarten play... Christmas morning...  randomly throughout the day to capture the cutest of cute faces our children make.  But then what?  They stay in a photo box or worse yet in digital form where we only enjoy on occasion.  I know some of you are good enough to make scrapbooks which always impresses me.  I absolutely loooove them - don't get me wrong... but there is a time factor here that I cannot seem to overcome.  For this very reason, I GREATLY appreciate creative uses of photos, and classy ways to integrate them into our home decor. 

I found a fabulous example of this on the blog called Isabella and Max Rooms. They feature a decorative element using a photo turned into art by Modern Bird Studios. 

This has soooooo many possibilities I'm almost giddy!  Let those creative juices flow... This would make a creative addition to any children's room theme. 

Thank you to Isabella and Max Rooms for the great idea!


  1. Happy 4th to you - thanks for joining me at Create With Joy - I am following you back!


  2. Modern Bird Studios does the best job!! Thanks for the shout out as well, enjoy your fourth! Janell
